Paid Sick Days in BC
In Canada, employees have access to a wide range of legislated leaves, and employers have to manage the administrative requirements of each type, guarantee compliance, all while ensuring privacy and confidentiality are adhered to. This can
Work from Home
While the construction industry continues to operate throughout the global pandemic, and field workers remain essential workers - the pandemic has taken its toll on many office and support staff as those jobs transitioned to a remote working arrangement– and often with little more than their laptop. 2020 was a time of crisis, and businesses reacted.
Supervising Others When Working Remotely
Most Canadian employers have been required to have their employees work from home. This new practice may leave some employees and their managers separated from each other for the first time. Embrace it or not, supervising others when working remotely is a new workplace reality.
Failing at the annual performance review process?
Let’s look at the process of monitoring employee performance. It seems the collection of People Performance Processes are endless. There is the 360-Degree Appraisal, the Technological Performance Appraisal, the Employee Self-Assessment, the Manager Performance Appraisal, the Sales Performance Appraisal, the Paired Comparison, the Management by Objective. I could go on.
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace.
There is a lot of buzz lately, mostly coming out of the entertainment industry around sexual harassment. Yet I am always surprised in talking with people the number of them that don’t fully understand what harassment really is. Many believe that if the victim has not been physically assaulted then there is no “harassment”.
Resilience in the Workplace
Why is it that Resilience is an underrated and quite frankly, often ignored workplace competency?
Bullying & Harassment in the Workplace
Does your organization still not have a Workplace Bullying and Harassment Policy in place?
Canada Pension Plan Changes.
Most of Canada’s finance ministers reached an agreement in principle this week to revamp the Canada Pension Plan. Quebec and Manitoba have not signed on to the deal. Quebec has its own pension plan, and Manitoba will continue to be part of the process yet the deal comes too soon for the province’s four-week-old government.
Corporate Blogging. Risk vs. Reward
Blogging is an integral part of building your brand, and corporations now view blogging as a CRITICAL tool for many purposes, including marketing products and services, building good will and brand loyalty, putting a human face on the corporation, countering negative publicity, and simplifying communications with current and potential customers.