Supervising Others When Working Remotely
Most Canadian employers have been required to have their employees work from home. This new practice may leave some employees and their managers separated from each other for the first time. Embrace it or not, supervising others when working remotely is a new workplace reality.

Talking Cannabis
TALKING CANNABIS: Recreational vs Medical? Duty to Accommodate? Safety Sensitive Workplace? More Questions than Answers? Call Sarkany. We’re your HR Business Partner.

Sarkany Management Presents at Concrete BC AGM
Pamela Bragg of Sarkany Management Inc. presented to the Concrete BC Association Delegates at their AGM in Victoria about the significant impacts on the workplace that proposed changes to the legalization of marjuana and the unprecedented challenges this will bring.

Resilience in the Workplace
Why is it that Resilience is an underrated and quite frankly, often ignored workplace competency?

Corporate Blogging. Risk vs. Reward
Blogging is an integral part of building your brand, and corporations now view blogging as a CRITICAL tool for many purposes, including marketing products and services, building good will and brand loyalty, putting a human face on the corporation, countering negative publicity, and simplifying communications with current and potential customers.