Bullying and Harassment: Be part of the solution

Keeping Injured Workers Engaged
Modified duties allow injured workers to return to work at the earliest opportunity. This not only aids in the workers overall recovery but also provides workers the opportunity to maintain existing positive working relationships while reinforcing job attachment. From the employer’s perspective, modified work reduces the costs associated with claims and the replacement and re-training of a temporary employee.

Mental Health in the Workplace
I was recently honoured to be one of the keynotes at the BC Road Builders & Heavy Construction Associations “Year in Review”, and it could not be a more timely topic for 2020 than “Mental Health in the Workplace”.

Reduce Your Exposure
Businesses host parties for a variety of reasons, including the holidays and organizational accomplishments. While these events are fun, team-building opportunities, they can create a number of risks for the hosting

Pre-Employment Drug & Alcohol Testing
In your hiring practices are you relying on a lab or doctor’s recommendations in determining the fitness or abilities of prospective employees? Then beware, and be aware! There are legal considerations that need to be taken into account.

The Winds of Change
Medical cannabis is a controversial enough subject, without adding to the conversation whether your workplace employee benefit plan will cover the cost.
Or not.
If you’re one of the lucky Canadians who

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace.
There is a lot of buzz lately, mostly coming out of the entertainment industry around sexual harassment. Yet I am always surprised in talking with people the number of them that don’t fully understand what harassment really is. Many believe that if the victim has not been physically assaulted then there is no “harassment”.

Cannabis in the Workplace: Rights, Responsibilities & Risks -2017 Workshops
Sarkany Management is proud to be presenting “Cannabis in the Workplace; Rights, Responsibilities & Risks“, workshops for the BC Trucking Association and its members. Non members also welcome. Follow link below.

Bullying & Harassment in the Workplace
Does your organization still not have a Workplace Bullying and Harassment Policy in place?

Distracted Driving, New BC Regulations
Anyone ticketed for Distracted Driving in B.C. will be facing some very new and some very expensive penalties.

The Quandary Around Medical Marijuana
At the intersection of occupational safety and workplace accommodations is the quandary around medical marijuana.